Fall Leaves – Pretty but Damaging

Have the leaves taken over your property yet? Picture it, gorgeous fall colors as the leaves shimmy and shake from the trees, dancing across the lawn with the crisp fall breeze. It’s a beautiful sight, right?
However, autumn rain and colder days make it hard to clean up and leaving them on your lawn can damage the grass over the course of winter. The blanket of leaves will slowly smother the grass leaving it without the precious sunlight and air it needs for healthy growth and photosynthesis. There is also a higher chance of developing fungal diseases after rain and snow fall due to mold and fungus growth in the layers of fallen leaves. These can leave permanent brown spots across your lawn come spring time.
We all want to enjoy fall and all its beauty, just not at the expense of your lawn’s health. Second Look Maintenance, Inc. Provides Fall Clean up services which can remove these leaves before they cause damage.